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Pricing for Dessert Cakes

Pricing for all desserts depends on a variety of factors including complexity of design, 3D decorations, serving size and flavors. The base prices below provide a starting point for all cakes.


(all round cakes have 2-3 layers)


6" (serves 14 to 21) . . . . . .starts at $47.50

7" (serves 20 to 30) . . . . . .starts at $57.50

8" (serves 24 to 36) . . . . . . . . starts at $70

9" (serves 32 to 48) . . . . . . . . starts at $90

10" (serves 42 to 63) . . . . . . .starts at $115

12" (serves 56 to 84) . . . . . . .starts at $155

14" (serves 76 to 114)  . . . . . starts at $210



(all square cakes have 2-3 layers)


6" (serves 18 to 27) . .. . . . . . starts at $54

8" (serves 32 to 48) . . . . . . . .starts at $96

9" (serves 40 to 60) . . . . . . .starts at $120

10" (serves 50 to 75) . . . . . . starts at $150

12" (serves 72 to 108) .. . . . .starts at $215


Pricing for Tiered Cakes


Starting prices listed below.

TWO TIERS (each with 2-3 layers)

6/8" (serves 38 to 57) . . . . . . . $115

7/9" (serves 52 to 78) . . . . . . . $156

8/10" (serves 66 to 100) . . . . . . $198


THREE TIERS (each with 2-3 layers)

6/8/10" (serves 80 to 120) . . . . . $240

6/9/12" (serves 102 to 153) . . . . $306


FOUR TIERS (each with 2-3 layers)

6/8/10/12" (serves 136 to 204) . . $476

6/9/12/14" (serves 178 to 267) . . $623




Starting prices listed below.


TWO TIERS (each with 2-3 layers)

6/8" (serves 50 to 75) . . . . . . . $162

7/9" (serves 68 to 102) . . . . . . . $220

8/10" (serves 82 to 123) . . . . . . $267


THREE TIERS (each with 2-3 layers)

6/8/10" (serves 100 to 150) . . . . . $350

6/9/12" (serves 130 to 245) . . . . $455


FOUR TIERS (each with 2-3 layers)

6/8/10/12" (serves 172 to 258) . . $645

Pricing for Sheet Cakes

(all sheet cakes are 2 layers, approx. 4" tall)


1/4 sheet (serves 48), frosted plain . . . . . . starts at $95

1/4 sheet (serves 48), decorated . . . . . . . .starts at $125

1/2 sheet (serves 96), frosted plain . . . . . . .starts at $145​

1/2 sheet (serves 96), decorated . . . . . . . . starts at $195​



Pricing for Cupcakes


Standard Flavors . . . . . . . $25.50/dozen

Specialty Flavors . . . . . . . . $30/dozen

*Additional cost for fondant accents or decorations.

*Minimum order of a dozen.


Pricing for Decorated Cookies

Basic Designs . . . . . . . $38/dozen

1-3 colors and up to 3 shapes

Custom Couture . . . . . . . . $42 to 50/dozen

1-5 colors, up to 6 designs, includes simple air-brushing & hand-painted metallics

*minimum order of a dozen

Base prices shown may vary by flavor and design. All orders are subject to tax.

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